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Unlike our personal life where making wrong decisions is part and parcel of the learning process, a professional environment is not as forgiving. C-suite executives spend more than 70% [1] of their time making decisions, which are based-on intuition or using data points pulled from fallible systems working in silos, hence the majority of them consider it to be ineffective [2]. With a company's survival on the line, an erroneous decision in a complex and high-stakes situation can have disastrous effects, lead to compliance issues, spiking expenses, frustration among employees, losing customers, lower morale, and even bankruptcy in the worst-case scenario.

Let’s look at an example: Sam is a C-Level decision-maker at a leading new-age enterprise with a multi-linear business model. He has implemented robust monitoring that provides automatic checks for predefined problems, however, Sam struggles to synergize the three pillars of business success: customer experience, employee productivity, and the digital infrastructure. He has no end-to-end visibility connecting the three pillars across his complex business process.

Sam’s challenges are similar to those faced by thousands of C-suite executives as they strive for reliability and quality. In the absence of an integrated and end-to-end process visibility, all the business functions, 71% [3] within organizations fail at connecting interdependent business process in real-time. When these interdependent problems manifest in cohesion, it leads to a dichotomy that diverges business and IT systems from the desired outcomes. The challenge points to an imminent need for intelligent, integrated, and in-depth monitoring of the business systems of today or to be precise, business flow observability.

Are you being blind to your blindness?

We all want to make the right decisions at the right time to survive in this uncertain and dynamic market landscape. Thus, the shift to inject intelligence into day-to-day operations isn’t transitional but a potential mainstay of modern business operations. 30% [4] of businesses implementing distributed system architectures agree that this model and environment will be the only viable options for business continuity by 2024.

Unfortunately, today less than 5%[5] of observability adoption across enterprises shows that we are utterly blind to our blindness. The result- we often can’t see what we want to see – unaware of our flaws in our businesses. There are few organizations that can claim that they have complete visibility across their entire value chain but in reality, only 20% [6] of the organizations excel at informed decision making. This is because most enterprises tend to treat different business units like silos, especially as they tend not to own that business unit or understand how the different digital systems work in concert to form interdependencies across the multiple business functions.

To strive towards true business observability, organizations need a hawk-eye view of the key business controls across their end-to-end processes, the capabilities to dive deep into their interdependencies, and data utilizing the multitude of monitoring systems implemented. Knowing when a business control is about to breach and what is affected next within the business process empowers the decision-makers. A single-window sacrosanct predictive view can proactively navigate from an effect to a cause, aiding proactive course correction of processes for desired outcomes and innovation. To achieve business observability you need an enterprise control center powered by holistic business flow observability. This provides a constant pulse on your business process and IT health to eliminate the traditional barriers between development and operations, ushering your business forward.

Create next-gen enterprise observability with iControl 2.0

At DRYiCE, we believe that the best way to answer the unknowns is to start at the top with a clear view of the entire business process. Focusing on the business outcome and working back along the chain of process steps while delivering your business outcome. This is not another dashboard that merely displays data from disparate systems. It’s providing context and action, to shift the mindset of C-suite executives from mere monitoring to observability on how your business process is performing. We want to empower the top C-Level executives with a control tower providing an understanding of the enterprise-wide operations.

Our approach to the Enterprise Control Centre solution (powered by DRYiCE iControl 2.0) enables unprecedented access to end-to-end horizontal process flows with real-time connected alerts for actionable results. Simply, view your key controls across the process chain to help business owners pinpoint delays, ascertain why revenues are declining despite healthy subscriber numbers, understand why client disputes are on the rise, and more. These intelligent interconnections of controls across the critical point in the process chain, enhance system stability, ensure regulatory compliance, optimize performance, aid in innovation, and proactively identify and solve problems. It may seem like a daunting task to define the business process end-to-end, but it’s not! With this out-of-the-box iControl business flow software you can functionally describe the business processes, leverage the 240+ business processes, and 670+ business KPIs spanning across multiple industries and all these can be done in hours instead of months.

This moves your business beyond the traditional monitoring approach, providing your C-level decision-makers with observability to accelerate innovation and enhance customer experiences.

Are you interested in getting the observability benefit for your organization? Click here to know how we can provide a top-down view of your operations in real-time. For any further queries feel free to contact us now.


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